My order has arrived damaged – what happens now?

All items are very carefully packaged to prevent damage in transit. If an order should arrive in bad condition, please take photos of both the packaging and any of the items which have been damaged.

Upon receiving proof of damage, the cost of the item and its postage will be refunded to you.

I am unable to provide a refund without proof that you received a damaged product.


Can I return my item for a full refund if I’ve changed my mind?

For eligible items, buyers must contact me within 14 days of delivery to confirm that they would like to return an item. Buyers then have a further 14 days to return the item back to me in saleable condition. Buyers are responsible for the shipping costs of returning an item.

Once I have received the item, the cost of the item and its original shipping price will be refunded to you.

I currently only offer one shipping price. If the buyer and I have agreed on a more expensive shipping method, any subsequent refunds will only cover the cost of the items returned and standard shipping price.